Preparation tattoo appointment

Tips on how you can best prepare for our appointment and what to look out for:

Drink enough water the day before and come well rested to the tattoo appointment. This will support your body significantly.

:: Take a little something to eat (a muesli bar, an apple, something to drink ...)

:: Come in comfortable clothes (or bring them with you), in which I can easily reach the area to be tattooed. For example, for tattoos on the legs, shorts; for rib/under-boob tattoos, a bandeau or bikini top; for back tattoos, a vest to wear upside down, etc.

:: Plan enough time and don't take on anything extra on tattoo day. A tattoo day is something special. Even if you "just sit there", it is exhausting for you. Therefore, do not come to the appointment after a stressful day at work, because then you will not last long.

:: Avoid sun, solarium, sauna, steam bath and swimming for four weeks after tattooing. Please remember this also when planning your vacation! A tattoo is in the first weeks a wound, which you must protect against bacteria and all infection possibilities.

:: In the studio, payment for your session is only possible in cash.

Things you should get BEFORE you visit:

:: ph neutral soap or shower gel
:: Wound and healing ointment (e.g. normal Bepanthene, Hustle Butter, Balm Tattoo, Inkeeze, calendula ointment from the pharmacy or similar) Avoid wound creams with the ingredient chlorhexidine.
:: If you take regular medication, please check with your doctor if tattooing is still possible.:
: If you would like a Second Skin patch (from Tattoomed or Suprasorb F) please take it with you to the tattoo appointment. I do not always have a second skin patch in stock in the studio.